mardi 5 avril 2011

challenges tv programm


this is my two challenges TV PROGRAMM !!!

The first!

You have to convince a famous politician or a scientist about different kind of subjects.

For example, for an hour, you have to find argument for the nuclear energy in front of an ecologist.

the second!

For one month, you'll to live without modern technology, ( phone, TV, internet,car....).Oh Oh !!, i'm already thinking about your reaction;"it'll be very easy!",but i'm not sure about this.

More, i think it'll be a very interesting experiment because you'll to test your dependency,( addiction?)compared to these objects, and also to answer to this question;"can y live without them?".

If you manage both, i won't to give you some money, because i'm mean guy!!!however, you'll to receive all my respect!

good luck!!!

mercredi 2 mars 2011

welcome to meaudre!!!!

photo Meaudre
photo Meaudre
photo Meaudre
photo Meaudre

hello Carmenne!!!

I would like to suggest you a little trip in Meaudre.

Meaudre is a little town in Vercors's park, from thirty kilometer to Grenoble.I think it's a good place for you to learn skiing, because there aren't many people ,even in winter.

You need travel by bus, with transisere company:
DépartArrivéeDuréeMode(s)Détails du trajet
1 changement
Voir détails
1 changement
Voir détails
1 changement
Voir détails
it's a quick and cheap way .You only have to pay five euros for a travel.
On Meaudre, i suggest you this flat:
Adress:Les Adrets 38112 Meaudre
prize: seventy euros for a night
snowshoe:there are many ways from the town.Fortunately, there's a map at tourism center!!!
alpine skiing: there are eighteen kilometer of tracks, between 1000-1600 meter high.You can take particular course.For one hour,it's thirty six euros for a beginner, which isn't very expensive compared to the other's stations.
cross country skiing. There are seventy kilometer of tracks, which might be very tiring for a beginner!!
and the best sport for you!!!
Learning to drive huskies on the snow!!there's an introduction at Meaudre!I've never tried this sport but i think it'll be a great experience for you!!
if you aren't convinced by my suggestion, you simply can build snowman or fighting with snow ball!!.It'll be cheaper and maybe funnier!!
So, I hope you'll take pleasure with your first skiing experience   , and..... you won't be injured!!

dimanche 6 février 2011

happy news

this is an article from the guardian about political situation in Egypt.

Egyptian government seems to make concession after people uprising.His vice-président, Omar Suleiman agrees to give more freedom for the press and and to allow exchange messaging on internet.

 Also,he want to create a new constitution with the help of the opposition and famous figures.

This new constitution'll allow several candidate to run for the presidential elections and to limit  the presidency power.

To my opinion, this is the main event in the world and a very good news for the deffender of the democracy.

this is the proof that arab people need some freedom and to express their opinion through their politics.

Some observer in the french press believed that this event was impossible.They though that arab people only had two politicals choice,the dictators or a religious state.Those events prove that a third way is possible!!!

dimanche 30 janvier 2011

student uprising in england

Student protesters target NUS president

Police escort Aaron Porter away from crowds in Manchester on day of protests against cuts and rise in tuition fees
Student protesters in Manchester
Students run through the streets of Manchester as they protest against public spending cuts and the increase in tuition fees. Photograph: Andrew Yates/AFP/Getty Images
As thousands of people joined student rallies in Manchester and London today to protest against public spending cuts and the rise in tuition fees, the National Union of Students leader Aaron Porter had to be escorted by police away from angry crowds calling for his resignation.
Some of the protestors in Manchester turned on Porter – who had been due to speak at a rally in the city – calling him a "Tory too". Porter had previously been calling for unity in the student movement, which has fractured as opinions differ over how best to conduct the demos and sit-ins being organised around the country against the cuts and fee increases.
Eggs and oranges were also thrown by a handful of the protesters at Shane Chowen, the NUS vice-president, when he tried to address the crowd. Up to 5,000 people had gathered to hear speeches from trade union leaders and later some scuffles broke out between the police and a group of about 150 people who tried to force their way into the University of Manchester's student union.
In London the protest remained mostly peaceful, though an attempt by a group to break through police lines and reach the Tory party HQ at Millbank – where angry scenes took place at previous demonstrations – resulted in a handful of arrests.
In their march through central London to Parliament, the protesters chanted slogans including: "No ifs, no buts, no education cuts" and banged drums.
Anger at government proposals to raise university tuition fees to £9,000 from next year and scrap the Education Maintenance Allowance were the main focus of the slogans and placards. One drew an analogy between events in north Africa and the UK and read: "Ben Ali, Mubarak ... Cameron, you are next."
At a potential flashpoint along the route – Topshop in the Strand – students stopped to yell abuse directed at owner Philip Green, whose controversial tax arrangements have attracted fury.
"Pay your tax, pay your tax," they chanted.
The store was guarded by a line of police, keeping protesters apart from the bemused shoppers trapped inside.
Police handed out leaflets in London informing protesters about their right to demonstrate and what to do if trouble flared.
Moritz Kaiser, a 17-year-old sixth former from Oxford, was among those protesting.
"The tuition fee hike will affect my family quite badly and it is unnecessary when you look at how much is lost in tax avoidance," he said.
A dual British-German national, he now intends to head to the continent to avoid the additional bill.
"I was going to study here, but in Germany it is only ¤500 a year, and you get a free bus pass," he added.
His friend Lucio Pezzella, also 17 and at a sixth form college in Oxford, said the "wrong people were being punished" for the economic plight the UK finds itself in.
"Ordinary people shouldn't have to pay for a crisis brought on by the bankers," he said.
The general secretary of the UCU lecturers' union, Sally Hunt, addressing the rally in Manchester, accused the government of being at "war with young people".
"It is betraying an entire generation," she said.

This is an article from the Guardian which speaking about the students protest against public spending cuts and the increase in tuition fees.

In Manchester, students askes the resignation from the National  union of students leader Aaron porter and threw eggs and orange on the face of Shane Chowen, the NUS vice president.

For the students, this two people are the symbol of the Tories education politics.

 The rally ended by a clash between students and the Police.

In London, there was a students march , where they tried to reach the Tory Party HQ.There was a lot of arrests.

Two former student from Oxford ,Moritz Kaiser and Lucio Pezzela describe the consequences about the increase in tuition fees.
For them,it will be more and more difficult to study in England compared to others country in Europe, especially in Germany.

With this law, they feel also that young people are betrayed for England economy, especially by the bankers.

I agree with this point of view.For me, banks are the main responsible of the actual crisis.And the England government decided that students should pay for them!!! It's a strange choice, because students are the future  for the country, and with this law, a lot of them could give up their studies.

Moreover, i think that knowledge should be opened for all the people,poor or rich,and this law will forbid the access of the cultur for poor people.I don't know why poor people should be less intelligent than rich!!!!

To summarize my feeling,  This law is a shame!!!

dimanche 16 janvier 2011

the end of learning english?

So,this autor write about People won't need to learn english like a second mother tongue, but only for culture and knowledge, like dying tongue learning at school,(latin and old greek).

For me , the main idea from this autor is the creation of software which allow to translate english languague. I'm less convinced by his second argument about nationalism,because it's difficult to generalize this political event in the world.

I agree with the first point of view because i think actual software is allowing to earn a lot of time for translate english with his natural tongue,especially for working. But  it's a sad situation because people'll forget the intellectual job to learning.

An intellectual job often hard, but which can be nicely too!!!the wesneday's english course is the proof!!!

dimanche 2 janvier 2011

carmenne's holidays

hello Carmenne!!!

I would like to suggest you and your friend a trip in New York.Why?Because it's an incredible city.

Indeed, there are a lot of different area where lives all communities in the world,chinese, italian,russian...
Also, there are a lot of cultural activities like Museum, Theater..
Finally, New York is beautiful in winter because this city is cover with snow.

You'll fly by Air France at 7 January and you'll return to France at 22 January.

Instead a hotel, i suggest you to rent a flat,because it's less expensive and you don't need to go outside for eating.

In New York,

I suggest you to walk in the street, because it's good for your health,(!!), and it's especially the best way to discover New York.

A certain area are splendid.I'm thinking about Greenwich village, Soho or Central Park.But you can also admire the city by boat, which doing a cruise around Manhattan island.

For cultural activities, there are plenty of museum, but some are essential,like the Metropolitan Museum of Art.Going to a theater in Broadway for watching musicals is a great experience too.
Finally, in Chelsea area, there are a lot of Art Gallery,which are often free.

But, a blog isn't enough to describe the activities in this city, because it's unfinished!!!

I wish you a good trip!!!!

detail and price

  1. AIR FRANCE : -1272 EUROS
  2. Rent a flat: Roosevelt 1 br Monthly Rental:1330$: 1000 EUROS
  3. Majestic 406 $:300 EUROS
  4. FOOD FOR 2 WEEKS:about 700 $: 530 EUROS
  5. Cruise around Manhattan$:50 EUROS
  6. Metropolitan $:30 EUROS
  7. Chelsea Art Gallery: free
  8. Restaurant Katz 37 $: 27 EUROS
  9. Bridge Cafe 52 $: 39 EUROS
  10. Taxi for one day: from the center to the suburbs: 40 $: 30 EUROS
Total for two people: 3278 EUROS